Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Tech Teachers Show 84

This week we talk about education and technology topics including ASUS Laptops, Thunderbird, Foxmarks, Evernote, Google Docs, Twitter, how to keep from becoming stale as a teacher, and much more.

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Show Notes for Podcast #84:
*ASUS Laptops - Eee PC
*Thunderbird Email Application
*VCard to CSV Converter: get contacts out of your address book easily
*Foxmarks: Bookmark synchronizer for Firefox
*Evernote: an organizational tool that helps you capture, sync, and find information.
*Uses of Evernote: Check this article out for ways to use Evernote.
*Google Docs: Google Docs has spreadsheet and text applications that you can share easily.
*Ray's Twitter Account:
*Vernier Science Scensors Ray uses in his classroom

1 comment:

mr mackenzie said...

Love your show but have been snowed under at work (I am another one of those over worked Physics teachers!) I just wanted to say I am catching up again and agree with what you said about Thunderbird being a great email client to collect from multiple accounts.

Ray said he keeps everything. I am a bit like that myself and I have found that Thunderbird doesn't like it once it has more than a few thousand emails in the inbox and I have had some horrible crashes that have lost the entire folder.

I found that I could prevent this by moving older message to a local folder so that I never had too many in the inbox at once, always kept it under 2000 and thunderbird plays nicer when you manage your mail like that.

Don't get bitten the way I did!

Sinclair Mackenzie