Tuesday, August 21, 2007

New show coming in another week.

Due to an emergency in Ray's family, we will be unable to record for the next week. We still plan to discuss the first days of school in our next podcast, with both technology and education topics.
Thank you.
~Ray and Hollye


Dan Grell said...

Miss hearing how the start of school has gone for you. Hoping things are ok on the home front.

dan in orlando

Anonymous said...

Found your podcast several months ago and listen to them when traveling. Catching up with the series, but not necessarily in sequence. Waiting for you next show. Since it's been awhile, your family emergency must be a bad situation. So sorry and hope everything and one is better soon. Hope you will continue with your shows. I love the information and your enthusiasm for both technology and teaching. Coming late to technology I'm learning alot. Thanks!
Andrea in Clearlake Park, California

Anonymous said...

So much for "anonymous", I guess I pushed the wrong button. Andrea still learning!

Anonymous said...

Miss the show!

M in Indiana

Matt said...

Hope things are well with family and life. You are both a joy to listen to.