Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Tech Teachers Show 91

This week we talk about education and technology topics including bright kite, twitter, four space, SXSW South by Southwest, iPhone 3.0, iDracula, Twidroid, Weather Worx, Kodak Zi6, Zecco, and much more.

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Show Notes for Podcast #91:
*SXSW (South by Southwest)
*Here's a video to help explain Twitter: Twitter in Plain English.
*Felicia Day's blog post on getting acquainted with Twitter
*Ray's twitter account:
*Hollye's twitter account:
*Diggnation: a video podcast we like. (We attended a live taping.)
*Totally Rad Show: we attended a live taping in Austin.
*Jonathan Coulton: video from a live performance
*Bright Kite: location-based social network
*Four Square: "find new ways to explore the city"
*Wx Worx (Weather Works): receiver for satellite weather data from XM
*Kodak Zi6 HD Pocket Video Camera